Power Tools 1993 October - Disc 2
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HP 9000 Series 800 HP-UX and Novell Netware: The Best of Both
Welcome to Novell NetWare and the HP 9000 Series 800
Presentation. This presentation answers the most commonly
asked customer questions:
* How does the HP 9000 Series 800 work in Novell Environments?
* What benefits can I realize by adding an HP 9000 to this
Since Novell NetWare currently controls over 60% of the PC-LAN
market, being able to articulate how an HP 9000 works in the
environment may be key to your success in selling HP 9000
Series 800's into your accounts.
This presentation focuses on benefits and high level
functionality. For details on NetWare/9000 functionality,
consult "NW800S" on the Network Hotline. Information on
qualifying an account and software performance are contained on
the GSY Hotline under "NWARE" and "NetWare", respectively. A
video taped success story of a Series 800 customer using
NetWare/9000 will be available in Q4 92. Consult with the
Sales Response Center for ordering information.
Slide: UXNOV1 "HP 9000 Series 800 HP-UX and Novell NetWare"
Key Points:
HP-UX and Novell NetWare provide customers the best of both
* HP-UX - A Rich Commerical UNIX environment e.g. Open
Platform, Development Tools, Databases, Security and
Manageability etc.
* NetWare - Industry Leading Resource Sharing (file and printer
sharing) and ease-of-use.
This combination provides many benefits to customers. In
particular, for those who wish to go beyond standard file and
printer sharing and move into client server and distributed
computing, this combination enables customers to continue using
familiar tools from Novell, while taking advantage of leading
edge technologies such as OSF DCE on the HP 9000 Series 800.
This presentation will discuss these benefits in more detail.
Slide: UXNOV2 "Hewlett-Packard and Novell"
Key Points:
This slide covers HP's strong relationship with Novell.
Although HP inked a relationship agreement with Novell in 1991,
this was actually formalizing a long-time relationship which
started in 1988 (5 years ago).
* The HP relationship doesn't just focus on the HP 9000 and HP
3000. It's pervasive throughout HP. Discuss all the other
areas on the slide e.g. laserjets, HP routers, Vectra,
Native PA-Risc.
* This is a strong pervasive and long-time relationship. (Sun
is relatively new in working with Novell and is not as
Slide UXNOV3: "NetWare and HP: A Common Processing Architecture"
Key Points:
* Both NetWare on the HP 9000 Series 800 and Native NetWare on
PA-RISC run on HP's powerful Precision Architecture RISC
Processor. The difference is that on the HP 9000 Series 800,
both HP-UX and NetWare run on the same platform with HP-UX as
the operating system and NetWare for UNIX (formerly known as
"Portable NetWare"). With Native NetWare, the NetWare NOS is
the operating system.
* Both platforms are complimentary which offers customers more
NOTE: NLM = NetWare Loadable Module. An application or tool
which runs on a native Novell operating environment i.e. when
Novell is the only operating system (typical of what one finds
on an Intel based Novell Server) Although Novell claims that
there are thousands of these NLM applications available, most
are basic tools already resident in standard operating system
environments such as TCP-IP and file back-up utilities. To
date, there are few real NLM applications and most Novell users
do not use Novell Servers for mission critical applications;
most Novell users use the basic file and print capabil- ities
only. However, there is increasing interest in developing
NLM's to run client-server applications.
Slide: UXNOV4 "NetWare for the HP 9000 - Proven Track Record"
Key Points:
* HP is currently Novell's #1 sales leader of NetWare for UNIX.
HP sells more units of NetWare than any of the other 30 NetWare
for UNIX partners including SCO, IBM, SUN and DG.
Slide: UXNOV5 "Product Features"
Key Points:
* Netware for the HP9000 Series 800 allows you to have the same
file and print services your customers have come to know with
Novell on Intel based servers. The Series 800 offers the
additional benefits of rich commercial functionality of the
HP-UX operating environment.
* NetWare for the HP9000 offers Novell Virtual Terminal Support
(NVT) as part of the standard product. This allows PC
clients to access UNIX applications on the HP 9000 without
having to add extra ARPA software (with Telnet) on your PC
clients and uses much less PC memory. If your customer
has many PC clients, this could save a lot of money in buying
ARPA software and additional memory for every PC.
Slide: UXNOV6 "Integrate HP 9000's into existing Novell
(NOTE - Slides UXNOV6-UXNOV11 describe how the HP 9000 Series
800 can seamlessly integrate into various Novell environments,
and the benefits it can bring.)
Key Points:
For customers with an existing Novell network, HP9000 Series
800's can seamlessly integrate with these Intel based Novell
servers using NetWare/9000. It is seamless in that:
* UNIX applications on the HP 9000 can utilize printers
anywhere on the network. Even printers which may be
configured off another Novell server. No reprogramming of
the UNIX application is required to take advantage of this.
With OpenSpool one can configure these remote printers as
another LP device. NetWare knows how to communicate
between the HP 9000 server and the Intel based Netware Print
* PC applications can utilize printers configured off the UNIX
servers as if they were Novell printers.
* PC's anywhere on the network can access HP 9000 S/800 files
as if they were on another Novell server (e.g. m:\filename -
the HP 9000 looks like the m:\ directory to the end user).
This reduces the need to retrain users if they need to share
files stored on an HP 9000 server.
Slide: UXNOV7 "Consolidate Servers"
Key Points:
* If a customer has decided to place an HP 9000 Series 800 into
an environment to run a business application, they could
eliminate having to manage back-up and configuration of two
servers by placing the files plus NetWare on the HP 9000
Series 800.
* Your customer should expect to see roughly equivalent
performance on the HP 9000 as on the Intel based Novell
server and they gain the benefits of easier management, and
security the HP 9000 provides.
Slide: UXNOV8 "Centrally Manage Novell"
Key Points:
* If your customer has multiple Intel based Novell NetWare
servers and there is a need to keep them (e.g. such as a
special NLM application not available in UNIX), then you can
use HP OpenView and products from Network Edge, (an HP OV
premier channel partner) to manage this environment centrally
from the HP 9000 Series 800. HP's offering is the first and
only solution today which can provide true centralized
enterprise management of NetWare
* What can be managed with HP OpenView and Network Edge:
- Novell Servers using ServerView/OV from Network Edge (Avail
Q1, 93)
- Novell PC Clients using StationView/OV from Network Edge
(Avail Q4, 92)
- Other networks e.g. HP 9000's or other systems and devices
using TCP/IP (See OpenView material for OV capabilities)
* What the above enables:
- With the HP Network Node Manager one can draw all Novell
servers graphically on the GUI screen.
- If the operator clicks the mouse on a server, then one can
see all the Novell client PC's configured to it.
- One can get many statistics and status on these systems
e.g. Network connections, configuration, memory
allocation etc.
- StationView/OV enable one to reconfigure Novell PC clients
(ie. change the autoexec.bat files) directly from the HP
9000 Series 800. If the client PC is turned off e.g. the
person goes home at night, then one can still collect
statistics from the HP 9000. The configuration file will
be automatically downloaded using StationView/OV when the
client PC powers up in the morning.
* The ability to manage the PC clients and the ability to
manage networks and devices such as TCP/IP in addition to
Novell, are benefits which Novell's Network Management
products do not provide today.
* With Omniback and Quest Plan B products, you can back up your
Novell Servers and Clients to the HP 9000 Series 800. Quest
Plan B also allows you to save Novell file attributes in the
* These capabilities add up to better management and reduced
costs of administering a distributed Novell environment.
Slide: UXNOV9 "A Platform for Integrating with the Enterprise"
Key Points:
* The Gartner Group in their study, "Midrange Systems and
Server Evaluations, 1991/1992"evaluated features of about 26
platform and operating system vendors. In this study, the HP
9000 Series 800 rated #1 out of all 26 vendors investigated
in the areas of inter-operability and inter-vendor
* When you compare this capability with that of Intel based
servers, the HP 9000 provides superior communication
capabilities for distributed replicated sites which require
strong integration with the enterprise.
* With the HP 9000 Series 800 you can leverage the strength of
HP -UX networking with NetWare Workgroups.
Slide: UXNOV10 "Integrate Mixed NOS Environments"
Key Points:
* If your customer has multiple NOS' in their environement such
as LanManager, Pacer (for Macintoshes), or NFS (for UNIX
Workstations), in addition to Novell, these can all be placed
on the same HP 9000 Series 800 server. This allows for the
sharing of printers in both environments e.g. Unix
Workstations in Department 1 can access the printer in
Department 2 and Visa Versa.
* The HP 9000 also provides easier management in that there is
only 1 server to manage as opposed to multiple (one cannot
run LanManager on a Novell Intel based Server). The HP 9000
also provides industry leading NFS performance.
Slide UXNOV11 "The Best Server for Migrating from File and
Print to ClientServer Computing."
Key Points:
Many customers today are using Intel platforms for Novell
NetWare file and printer sharing. However many customers are
now outgrowing this platform. As customers look to having
their server provide more processing and mission critical
database services and the industry moves to distributed
computing and client server, HP-UX business servers provide the
best capabilities for customers migrating to these new
computing paradymes.
Why? HP-UX provides the following capabilities which are
necessary for building robust Client Server solutions (these
are based on the HP 9000 Series 800 Pitch, included are some
"memory joggers". Refer to the HP 9000 presentation materi-
als for more details):
- The Broadest System Growth Path - To support the type of
processing which is required for Client-Server, more
processing power is necessary. If one compares the growth
and trends, RISC technology will provide the necessary power
for these applications. With the HP 9000 family you will
have the broadest range of object code compatible systems
in the industry.
- Proven, Reliable Databases and Tools - Leading relational
databases have been running in the HP-UX environment for
years. Customers have trusted their mission critical
applications to the HP-UX environment. This is not the case
in the Intel environment.
- A Rich Commercial UNIX environment - HP-UX provides strong
security, high availability, System and Network Management,
and Industry Leading Case Development tools.
- Thousands of applications - because the UNIX environment
is an open platform, it enables one to access thousands of
commercial applications.
- The Best Choice of Networks and API's - In addition to
supporting Novell's SPX API's the HP 9000 S/800's offer a
plethora of other API's which will be crucial to your
client-server implementation. Services such as OSF DCE,
NCS, the widest range of networking products, Appleshare to
name a few.
- HP provides industry leading client-server consulting
services to get you up and running.
The main benefit that many industry research reports have
indicated is that UNIX offers a commercially viable development
platform for Client-Server development, and because it is an
open platform; it shields you from technology lock-in to any
one vendor. These requirements, in addition to the
availability of tools and applications, means that the HP9000
Series 800 provides the best capabilities for moving your
company from basic file and print to distributed computing and
Slide: UXNOV12 "Case Study: A Prominent Law Firm"
Key Points:
* A prominent Law firm has 5 Distributed Offices and over 650
* They were facing challenges of:
- Fast Growth
- Geographically Distributed Sites
- Protecting existing investments in equipment, particularly
in PC's and printers for their Lawyers
- Minimizing Downtime
Slide UXNOV13 "A Prominent Law Firm Before"
Key Points:
* Before HP was involved, they had over 500 standalone PC's and
a few Novell Servers.
* The firm also had over 350 laser printers. Because the
Legal profession is tightly bound to paper and deadlines,
the lawyers demanded that at least each secretary have a
printer, and many lawyers had printers as well. Needless to
say, the firm was spending a fortune on laser printers!
* The firm ran their business on a proprietary midrange
computer using a legal software package. (This computer ran
the PICK operating system). Only 30 people in the immediate
office where the system was located had access to the PICK
* Time billing for Lawyer's time was written on paper and then
either mailed/faxed to the central office and then keyed
into the old PICKsystem. (Time Billing is the way the firm
accounts for time and thus collects revenue from it's
clients.) This created a lot of errors, and
updates/corrections were often necessary. At times this
upset clients when mis-billing occured.
Slide: UXNOV14 and UXNOV15 "A Prominent Law Firm - After"
Key Points:
* Today, over 650 PC's in the firms are networked (they grew
from 500)
* They are managed by 11 file servers - Netware on INTEL for
word processing files and Netware for UNIX on the HP 9000
Series 800 for mission critical business files and
* The HP 9000 Series 800 was selected for mission critical
applications because of the superior database, tool and
commercial functionality of the HP-UX platform
relative to that on Intel servers.
* TMC's Legal Application Software was ported to the HP 9000
using available utilities. (Ultimate's Ult/IX environment)
* Netware for UNIX, HP's Networking Foundation products, and
some utilities such as Ultimate's Ult/IX, allowed the HP
9000 to seamlessly integrate into this environment without
having to change the TMC application (while protecting the
customer's investment in application, and PC's.)
- Printers can now be shared across all the file servers. For
example, if the New York Office needs a report printed
locally from the HP 9000 located in Washington, all they need
to do is specify their local printer. Netware on the HP 9000
communicates with the Netware Server in New York and
transparently ensures that it is routed to the correct
- Files for other applications could also be shared; PC's could
automatically mount files residing on the HP 9000 in addition
to files located on the Intel-based Netware Server and make
them appear local; they look like they reside on the local
harddrive, but they are physically located on the server. In
other words, the user could type in for the L:\dosfilename in
a word processing application and pull that file off the HP
9000. In a legal environment, the ability for work-groups
to exchange information in this way is critical to meeting
- With the fully networked environment, all authorized
employees had access to the time billing system on the HP
9000. This enabled each group to do direct time entry into
the application. This also enabled everyone to review their
entries and make corrections and updates. This all resulted
in fewer errors in time entry, which resulted in faster, more
accurate billing to clients; which has a direct impact on
revenue to the firm.
- The firm realized better communication through e-mail
connectivity...a feature which was not available in the past.
Better analysis on business activities was also possible
since information could be pulled from the HP 9000 TMC system
and downloaded to PC tools for analysis.
Slide: UXNOV16 "HP Worldwide Support"
Key Points:
* HP offers worldwide support for our HP 9000 Series 800
NetWare products. For firms with broad geographic coverage
this provides a common way to support multinational firms.
Since many Intel based NetWare vendors tend to be limited to
a region or country, this provides a superior solution to
* HP offers around the clock support.
* HP also has Certified Netware Engineers on Staff.
Slide: UXNOV17 "Benefits"
Key Points:
* With all of the benefits seen on the slide the HP-UX and
Novell NetWare provide you with the Best of Both Worlds!
HP-UX - A rich, open commerically viable platform for
mission critical applications and migration from
file-and-print sharing to client- server computing.
NetWare - Industry leading file and print services and a
smooth migration path to new computing paradymes
without having to retrain your end users.